Editorial board
Editors of this journal work on a purely voluntary basis without remuneration in line with the not-for-profit philosophy of the EGU.
Editorial board
Ioannis A. Daglis
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Department of Physics
Department of Physics

Christoph Jacobi
Leipzig University
Institute for Meteorology
Upper Atmosphere
Institute for Meteorology
Upper Atmosphere

Ingrid Mann
UiT the Arctic University of Norway
Physics and Technology
Science and Technology
Physics and Technology
Science and Technology
Topic editors
Oliver Allanson
University of Birmingham
School of Engineering
Space Environment and Radio Engineering
School of Engineering
Space Environment and Radio Engineering
United Kingdom

Georgios Balasis
National Observatory of Athens
Institute for Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Applications and Remote Sensing
Institute for Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Applications and Remote Sensing
Subject areas
Subject areas
Magnetosphere & space plasma physics
Space weather, climate, habitability, and life in (exo-)planetary context
Space weather, climate, habitability, and life in (exo-)planetary context

Jens Berdermann
German Aerospace Center Institute for Solar-Terrestrial Physics
Space Weather Impact
Space Weather Impact
Subject areas
Subject areas
Earth's ionosphere & aeronomy
Space weather, climate, habitability, and life in (exo-)planetary context
Space weather, climate, habitability, and life in (exo-)planetary context
Dominique Bockelee-Morvan
CNRS/ Observatoire de Paris
Subject areas
Subject areas
Exoplanets systems
Small bodies (dwarf planets, asteroids, comets) to dust
Small bodies (dwarf planets, asteroids, comets) to dust
Claudia Borries
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft und Raumfahrt e.V.
Subject areas
Subject areas
Earth's ionosphere & aeronomy
Dalia Buresova
Institute of Atmospheric Physics, CAS
Ionosphere and Aeronomy
Ionosphere and Aeronomy
Czech Republic
Subject areas
Subject areas
Earth's ionosphere & aeronomy
General or miscellaneous
General or miscellaneous
Ioannis A. Daglis
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Department of Physics
Department of Physics
Subject areas
Subject areas
Magnetosphere & space plasma physics
Space weather, climate, habitability, and life in (exo-)planetary context
Space weather, climate, habitability, and life in (exo-)planetary context
Johan De Keyser
Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy
Space Physics
Space Physics
Subject areas
Subject areas
Small bodies (dwarf planets, asteroids, comets) to dust

Ana G. Elias
Universidad Nacional de Tucuman (UNT)
Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Tecnología
Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Tecnología
Subject areas
Subject areas
Earth's ionosphere & aeronomy
General or miscellaneous
General or miscellaneous

Bernard Foing
LUNEX EuroMoonMars EuroSpaceHub & Leiden
EuroMoonMars, EuroSpaceHub Academy
EuroMoonMars, EuroSpaceHub Academy
Subject areas
Subject areas
Exoplanets systems
Terrestrial planets systems
Terrestrial planets systems
Theodore Giannaros
National Observatory of Athens
Institute of Environmental Research and Sustainable Development
Institute of Environmental Research and Sustainable Development
Subject areas
Subject areas
Terrestrial atmosphere and its relation to the sun
Matina Gkioulidou
Johns Hopkins University, Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU/APL)
United States
Subject areas
Subject areas
General or miscellaneous
Magnetosphere & space plasma physics
Magnetosphere & space plasma physics

Margit Haberreiter
Subject areas
Subject areas
Space weather, climate, habitability, and life in (exo-)planetary context
Sun & heliosphere
Sun & heliosphere

Alexa Halford
NASA Goddard
United States
Subject areas
Subject areas
Earth's ionosphere & aeronomy
Magnetosphere & space plasma physics
Space weather, climate, habitability, and life in (exo-)planetary context
Magnetosphere & space plasma physics
Space weather, climate, habitability, and life in (exo-)planetary context

Keisuke Hosokawa
University of Electro-Communications
Subject areas
Subject areas
Earth's ionosphere & aeronomy
General or miscellaneous
General or miscellaneous

Christoph Jacobi
Leipzig University
Institute for Meteorology
Upper Atmosphere
Institute for Meteorology
Upper Atmosphere
Subject areas
Subject areas
General or miscellaneous
Small bodies (dwarf planets, asteroids, comets) to dust
Terrestrial atmosphere and its relation to the sun
Small bodies (dwarf planets, asteroids, comets) to dust
Terrestrial atmosphere and its relation to the sun

Christos Katsavrias
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Subject areas
Subject areas
Magnetosphere & space plasma physics

Andrew J. Kavanagh
British Antarctic Survey
Space Weather and Atmosphere
Space Weather and Atmosphere
United Kingdom
Subject areas
Subject areas
General or miscellaneous
Terrestrial atmosphere and its relation to the sun
Terrestrial atmosphere and its relation to the sun
Elena Kronberg
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Subject areas
Subject areas
Magnetosphere & space plasma physics
Space weather, climate, habitability, and life in (exo-)planetary context
Space weather, climate, habitability, and life in (exo-)planetary context
Wen Li
Boston University
United States
Subject areas
Subject areas
Magnetosphere & space plasma physics
Ingrid Mann
UiT the Arctic University of Norway
Physics and Technology
Science and Technology
Physics and Technology
Science and Technology
Anna Milillo
National Institute of Astrophysics
Institute for Space Astrophysics and Planetology
Institute for Space Astrophysics and Planetology
Subject areas
Subject areas
General or miscellaneous
Magnetosphere & space plasma physics
Magnetosphere & space plasma physics

Yoshizumi Miyoshi
Nagoya University
Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research
Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research
Subject areas
Subject areas
General or miscellaneous
Magnetosphere & space plasma physics
Magnetosphere & space plasma physics

Stephen J. Mojzsis
Subject areas
Subject areas
Exoplanets systems
Small bodies (dwarf planets, asteroids, comets) to dust
Terrestrial atmosphere and its relation to the sun
Small bodies (dwarf planets, asteroids, comets) to dust
Terrestrial atmosphere and its relation to the sun
Christopher Mouikis
University of New Hampshire
Space Science Center
Space Science Center
United States
Subject areas
Subject areas
General or miscellaneous
Magnetosphere & space plasma physics
Magnetosphere & space plasma physics
Tadashi Mukai
Kobe University
Subject areas
Subject areas
Small bodies (dwarf planets, asteroids, comets) to dust

Minna Palmroth
University of Helsinki
also at: Finnish Meteorological Institute
also at: Finnish Meteorological Institute
Subject areas
Subject areas
General or miscellaneous
Magnetosphere & space plasma physics
Magnetosphere & space plasma physics

Ernesto Palomba
Subject areas
Subject areas
Terrestrial planets systems

Igo Paulino
Universidade Federal de Campina Grande
Department of Physics
Department of Physics
Subject areas
Subject areas
Earth's ionosphere & aeronomy
Terrestrial atmosphere and its relation to the sun
Terrestrial atmosphere and its relation to the sun

Petr Pisoft
Charles University
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Department of Atmospheric Physics
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Department of Atmospheric Physics
Czech Republic
Subject areas
Subject areas
General or miscellaneous
Terrestrial atmosphere and its relation to the sun
Terrestrial atmosphere and its relation to the sun

Jonathan Rae
Northumbria University
United Kingdom
Subject areas
Subject areas
Magnetosphere & space plasma physics
Space weather, climate, habitability, and life in (exo-)planetary context
Space weather, climate, habitability, and life in (exo-)planetary context
Elias Roussos
Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research (MPS)
Planetary Science Department
Planetary Science Department
Subject areas
Subject areas
General or miscellaneous
Giant planets systems
Magnetosphere & space plasma physics
Giant planets systems
Magnetosphere & space plasma physics
Ingmar Sandberg
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Department of Aerospace Science and Technology
Department of Aerospace Science and Technology
Subject areas
Subject areas
Magnetosphere & space plasma physics
Space weather, climate, habitability, and life in (exo-)planetary context
Space weather, climate, habitability, and life in (exo-)planetary context
Erik Schmölter
German Aerospace Center, DLR e. V.
Institute for Solar-Terrestrial Physics
Institute for Solar-Terrestrial Physics
Subject areas
Subject areas
Earth's ionosphere & aeronomy
Nick Sergis
Office of Space Research and Technology Academy of Athens
Office for Space Research and Technology
Office for Space Research and Technology
Subject areas
Subject areas
General or miscellaneous
Giant planets systems
Magnetosphere & space plasma physics
Giant planets systems
Magnetosphere & space plasma physics
Gunter Stober
University Bern
Institute of Applied Physics
Microwave Physics
Institute of Applied Physics
Microwave Physics
Subject areas
Subject areas
Small bodies (dwarf planets, asteroids, comets) to dust
Terrestrial atmosphere and its relation to the sun
Terrestrial atmosphere and its relation to the sun

Kleomenis Tsiganis
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Department of Physics
Department of Physics
Subject areas
Subject areas
Small bodies (dwarf planets, asteroids, comets) to dust

Maria Usanova
University of Colorado Boulder
United States
Subject areas
Subject areas
General or miscellaneous
Magnetosphere & space plasma physics
Space weather, climate, habitability, and life in (exo-)planetary context
Magnetosphere & space plasma physics
Space weather, climate, habitability, and life in (exo-)planetary context
Vivien Wendt
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V.
Solar-Terrestrial Coupling Processes
Solar-Terrestrial Coupling Processes
Subject areas
Subject areas
Earth's ionosphere & aeronomy
Terrestrial atmosphere and its relation to the sun
Terrestrial atmosphere and its relation to the sun
Stephanie C. Werner
PHAB, University of Oslo
Centre for Planetary Habitability
Centre for Planetary Habitability
Subject areas
Subject areas
Terrestrial planets systems
Peter Wurz
Universität Bern
Physikalisches Institut
Space Science and Planetology
Physikalisches Institut
Space Science and Planetology
Subject areas
Subject areas
Exoplanets systems
Small bodies (dwarf planets, asteroids, comets) to dust
Sun & heliosphere
Small bodies (dwarf planets, asteroids, comets) to dust
Sun & heliosphere